Judy considers Jamiel Laurence to be a dynamic, visionary force-for-change in the world of dance and ballet presentation for audiences everywhere. Judy is proud to be part of Jamiel’s exciting new team
Judy Lipsey is a highly experienced arts and entertainment publicist with clients in dance, theatre, and music. She has worked for three of the world’s major record labels (Sony, EMI, BMG), and co-founded The Works PR in the 2000s where she worked with Michael Ball, Elaine Paige, DV8 Physical Theatre, Wynton Marsalis and Steven Berkoff. She joined Premier PR in 2012 as Associate Director and formed her own company, Lipsey PR, in 2019. Lipsey PR clients include Mark Bruce Company, Tom Dale Company, Let’s Dance International Frontiers festival, Lost Dog Dance, New English Ballet Theatre, the Roman Theatre Open Air Festival, and OVO Theatre productions.